Thursday, December 25, 2008

Systems Administrations Advent Calendar

I really, really thought I linked to this already, but I can't find it, and I'm very sorry! Anyway, it's complete now, so you get to read it all at once. Jordan Sissel put forth superhuman effort this year to start up an Advent Calendar for Systems Administrators. He wanted it to be in the same vein as the Perl Advent Calendar.

Out of the 25 entries, Jordan completed 23 of them. Ben Rockwood wrote Day 17, Time Management, and I wrote Day 23, Change Management. Other than those two, Jordan wrote one a day, each one long and detailed about a different subject, and he did an amazing job. Read through the articles, and I know you'll find them useful and interesting.

Everyone who gets something from Sysadvent owes Jordan a thanks. Please comment on the blog there and let him know you appreciate the work, because he did an amazing job!