Friday, February 6, 2009

From whence I came

Today, sadly, I'll be returning to Barcelona to catch my flight home, and the real world.

Because my life isn't ever boring, I'm moving to Union County, New Jersey this weekend. The movers are coming to take our stuff away tomorrow, and Sunday we'll be driving to NJ to move into our new apartment.

Monday I'll be starting in the corporate headquarters. I've visited several times for a week or so, but this will still be a sizable change from what I'm used to. The wardrobe requirements in particular will be difficult to adjust to. I won't be able to wear sandals and jean shorts in the summer. The horror!

Anyway, I'll cover all of that in the future. Thanks to the time warp of scheduling these entries early, it's now 1am Saturday, January 24th, and in a few short hours, I'll be on a plane bound for the Mediterranean. Have a good weekend!