Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome to the future!

If you're reading this via RSS reader, I invite you to come visit the new blog! I've got all sorts of enhancements available here, so come check it out!

Lets do an overview of what's new. First, instead of being hosted on blogger's servers, I've got a VPS for the site, and the domain name is now. Since there are tons of links going to the old site, I've implemented an http meta redirect to a php script that I write. It parses the referrer information and sends the user to the correct page on this site.

The big RSS icon in the top right hand corner of the page links to the feedburner stream. If you subscribe via RSS (and as of today, that's 585 of you out there just at Google Reader), please update your RSS feed to

The "commentators" box on the right hand side examines user comments, checks the email addresses, and looks them up at Gravatar, the globally recognized avatar database. I've noticed that more and more sites seem to be using it, so if you haven't setup your email over there, maybe you should check into it.

Everything else should be pretty straight forward. I've enabled OpenID logins for those of you who want to use them. The only recurring issue is slowness on the machine. I've talked to the hosting people about that, and when a bigger server opens up, I'll migrate to that. The VPS has 512MB of RAM right now. If this becomes a major problem, I'll temporarily move the blog back to blogger, but I'm hoping that isn't going to be an issue. Let me know if you find it to be.

So that's it. Feel free to leave feedback! Thanks!